Villains Fanon Wiki

To vote for the Complete Monster Proposals of the day, see:

  1. Tom Rogan from The Coincidental Reunion - Ends April 19
  2. Joseph Murphy from The Devil of Los Angeles - Ends April 20

To vote for the Complete Monster Removal Proposals of the day, see:

  1. None at the moment.


Villains Fanon Wiki

Poachers, also knows as Big-Game Hunters, Animal Killers and/or Safari Hunters are evildoers who hunt immorally and/or illegally, often for prey that is endangered or otherwise protected by the law. There are many forms of poaching: they could be hunting or capturing endangered species for zoos and pet trades, hunting on land where animals were protected, or animals that were legal to hunt while doing it the wrong way. Many of them tend to be illegal fishermen, farmers and lumberjacks as well.

A common motivation for poachers is pure greed. If a prey is extremely rare or highly valuable, the temptation of money will be enough for them to disregard the environmental catastrophe the prey's extinction would cause. Sometimes, the poachers are only hunting to make ends meet for their families.

Note: do not put all villains who hunt in this category, only if the work clarifies that their hunting is breaking the law add them to this category. Also, do not add farmers who kill their own animals since they have a right to do so. Therefore, they are not breaking the law despite how cruel they are to their chickens, they should go under Animal Cruelty instead.

All items (88)
